Hosted by the European Association for Biosynthesis - EABS
President Gerlinde Buchholz, Dipl.Soc.
Supported by
International Foundation for Biosynthesis - IFB President Dr. h.c. David Boadella International Institute for Biosynthesis -
IIBS President Dr.phil. Silvia Specht Boadella Overseas Association for Biosynthesis - OABS President Esther Frankel, MA and Liane Zink, Lic.Ped.
Organized by the Portuguese Center for Biosynthesis
President Maria del Mar Cervantes, Lic.Ps.
Organizing Committee:
Esther Frankel (Chair), MA, Maria del Mar Cervantes, Lic.Ps, Estela Rodrigues, Lic.Ps, Paula Matos, Lic.Ps, Antonio Guerra, Lic.Dpo., Margarida
Casimiro, Lic.Farm., Célia Vilão, Lic.Ps.
Scientific Committee:
Milton Corrêa (Chair), PhD (Braz.), Eunice Rodrigues, MA (Braz.), Liane Zink, Lic.Ped., (Braz.), José Alberto Cotta, MA (Braz.), Cipriano Luckesi,
DSc (Braz.), Liliana Acero, PhD (Arg.), Jacqueline Carleton, PhD, (USA), Helder Coelho, PhD (Port.), Michel Heller, PhD (Switz.), Jerome Liss, MD (Ital.),Tom Warnecke, Psychotherapist (U.K.).
Workshop and Lecture Submissions
Those interested in presenting a workshop or lecture in the congress should submit an article in English or in Portuguese, with at least 5 pages,
and at the most 15 pages in Windows Microsoft Word in the following format: "Times New Roman" 12 pt. font, single space, 25 mm margins and an English abstract with a maximum of 200 words. Also send a
small authors profile with a maximum of 150 words.
NEW DATES!!! Submission Deadline: January 31,
2006 Notification of Acceptance: February 28, 2006
The authors should submit their articles to: Milton Corrêa Send to both Emails: and
Information and Hotel Accomodations
Agencia Abreu (Congress Department) - Viajens Abreu. S.A. Responsible: Ms Angélica Ruivo. Phone: +351 214 156 125, Fax: +351 214 156
383 Email:
Information about the main speakers